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Just a Will or a Whole Package?

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Most people that call our office for Estate Planning, simply ask for a Will. They want a document to make sure their loved ones are taken care of and their proerty is distributed as they wish. But what happens before you pass? Estate Planning doesn't handle just happens when you pass, but can help your loved ones in the event of an illness or accident.

How will my family handle things if I have a prolonged illness or accident?

Our office offers a complete Estate Planning Package, including a Last Will and Testament, Statutory Durable Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney, HIPPA Medical Record Release, and Directive to Phyisicians.

Last Will and Testament

Your will documents how you want your real and personal property distributed after your passing. This document should make arrangements for financial care and guardianship if you parent minor children. Your will should designate an executor, a trusted individual who will be legally responsible for ensuring that debts are paid and assets are distributed, once you pass and your Will is admitted to Probate. Our office supplies the two witnesses and Notary required for a valid Will in Texas.

Statutory Durable Power of Attorney

Granting power of attorney to an individual enables that person to address your personal and business affairs if you are incapable of handling them though how much power to permit is a up to you. This is commonly used if there is an unforseeable accident that leaves you incapacitated, or if you have a lasting illness such as dementia, that limits your decision making ability. The power of attorney document can limit your appointee to transacting everyday financial matters such as banking and bills or allow broad authority such as disposing of or purchasing assets.

Medical Power of Attorney

Similar to the Statutory Durable Power of Attorney, you can craft a medical power of attorney that will allow an appointee to make health care decisions if you cannot.

HIPPA Release

Allows your Medical Power of Attorney to access your medical records so they may make informed medical decisions on your behalf.

Directive to Physicians

Commonly known as, Advance Directives, this document outline what type of medical measures you desire and under what circumstances. This takes the hard decisions, such as withholding life sustaining treatment, off your family's shoulders, and lets all caregivers know your wishes when you are unable to tell them yourself.

Estate Planning really encompasses your wishes before and after passing. It relieves the anxiety of the unkown for you and your family. We offer Free Consultations when you're ready, and you can visit our online booking page to schedule your consultation at your convenience.


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